Ballston Center extends a warm welcome and invites you to join us any Sunday morning.

Hopefully this information will help guide you through your visit to worship at Ballston Center. We are a Christ centered congregation, made up of families who love each other and we welcome you to our service. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of our members or call the office at any time.

Worship - 10:30 

Our worship services center around a variety of trinitarian and gospel-shaped liturgies where we pray together, read Scripture, sing a blend of ancient and modern hymns, hear the Bible preached and partake of the Lord’s Supper (monthly). Children are welcomed to stay with parents during the service or head up-stairs for our Children’s Church (ages 3-8).

Discipleship Classes - 9:30

Prior to worship, we offer a variety of discipleship classes for children and adults. Please grab a bulletin to learn what classes are currently being offered. Greeters are also available to assist and answer any questions. 

(Nursery is provided during both Worship and Discipleship) 

Wear whatever is comfortable and we hope to meet you soon!